Friday, August 28, 2009

Let it Rain

Who cares about the weather. It's good to be at the lake with family.
And as a bonus - THAT I TOTALLY DESERVE -
I'm heading straight from the Gerrity Cabin in NWMI to the Johnson
Cabin in Minnesota.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Liz at LuLu's in Bellaire, mixed the best Barnatini I've had in
years. Plus, she's a striking model. Life is good in #NWMI

Hello, Monday

Appreciate the good moments, people.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Les Paul

Goodbye to an American Original, see you on the other side!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Cadillac" of Clock Radios headed to Cadillac Ranch

I've had this Proton unit since I sold them at Limn Designer Audio,
which must be more than 15 years ago now.

It never worked exactly as I wanted it to, and it got more and more
dodgy over the years. Finally, it's time to put it out of my misery
as something has gone terribly wrong in the amp section. Even with
it's issues, I've always been glad to have it and will miss it's
familiar 80s formality.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ann Arbor Science of Mind Meeting Tonight

Erin is getting ready!
Meeting starts at 5:30 and we're done by 7 - please join us

Back in the Bloggin biz

Well, this thing has been sitting dormant for months? years? Whatever.
But I'm coming back to get blogs setup for both my wife and my father, so I guess I need to know how to do it myself.

I'm old enough to be a little grumpy about having to learn (or relearn) things, but young enough to get over it quickly and get excited about the opportunity to stretch my brain and be useful.